Thursday, September 29, 2016

Characters and Compositions

I'm full steam ahead to finish my portfolio, I have some illustrations to finish. I finished this characters and now will go to the compositions. I'll post the thumbnails and make a brief explanation of them! Here we go!


Drunnarak - The Bone Hunter

Strong and Deadly, he is the One of the mighty hunters of his tribe. His called Drunnarak in the orc language says : Who one the Death is fear. He made his sword of bones the legendary Wyvern Urhinask - the scourge of swamps.

Rebecca Tevish- Speedbiker

MACR Viper - Speedbike

Anarak-Ila - The Venom Fist

Heldengarn - The Shieldkeeper

Space Gaga 

This Character inspired by new song Perfect Ilusion of Lady Gaga

Lt. Olivia McRay of StarCenturion Troop

The Troll

This was the first creature I was in combat on the first memorable game of RPG, he is the Troll. The idea of this design was conceived from the classic drawing of Ad & d 2 Edition, the nose of the D & D 3rd Edition and crossbite element of Grendel of the Beowulf legend.

Vilirand - Lady of Forest

High elf hunter


The warrior contest

 The idea is a letter style of magic the gathering. A warrior doing presentation with two people in the first plan blurry and colorful tents in the background.

Titan Defender

In this composition a magician  controls magically a colossal golem against a monster that is a threat to the kingdom. In the foreground will have the heroes on the wall watching the fight and the kingdom's defenses shooting arrows.

Dwarf Concept

Goblin Assalt

In this illustration will be a goblin assalt to the heroes in a forest. In the background the goblins attack spears against the heroes, in the middle the archer elf counter attack and the warrior is surprised by attack from behind. In the foreground the wizard casts a spell on a goblin and dwarf warrior is flanked.

Drunnarak Chase

Drunnarak is chasing a prey inside of the water cave.

The lost Valley

The Dinorider discover a new land.

Car Chase

The car chase like a madmax.

Archangel Smite

The holy lance of archangel smite the evil flying on the sky.
